3,334 Gifts


3,334 Gifts

$511,877 Raised

Flamingos on Bascom Hill

St. Louis

250 Dollars

3 Gifts

Support Chapter Scholarships

Thanks to the George and Dorothy Pellegrin Wisconsin Alumni Association Scholarship Endowment Fund, your gift will be matched dollar for dollar – up to a group total of $3,000 – during Fill the Hill.

The WAA: St. Louis Chapter — also known as the Gateway Badgers — loves to support students from the St. Louis metropolitan area who dream of attending UW–Madison. Thanks to generous alumni like you, our chapter has awarded more than $80,000 in merit-based and need-based scholarships to local students over the past decade. Scholarship amounts depend upon available funds, so your gift can make a huge difference as we support the St. Louis area’s best and brightest heading to UW–Madison! 

Recent Donors

Chandini Avvaru

Jim Stewart & Kim Hron-Stewart

TJ Weinaug

See all donors on our virtual Bascom Hill

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